Parents » PSS Cell Phone Policy

PSS Cell Phone Policy

In line with the BC Ministry of Education’s legislation regarding personal digital device restrictions in schools, PSS will be implementing our cell phone policy starting January 6th, 2025 after returning from Winter Break.


Below is a summary of the policy - for more information please see the presentation in the pdf file above.


  • Cell phones will not permitted to be used in class unless directed by the teacher for educational purposes only
  • Upon entering every classroom and learning space in the building, students will place cell phones in a cell phone hanger or bin.  Students will not be permitted to store their phones in their pocket or backpack - they must be placed in the designated area for that learning space (this way they do not have easy access to check their phone during instructional time).
  • Cell phones will remain in the hanger or bin for the entire duration of the class, including when students are taking a break, working in a different learning space, or going to the bathroom.
  • Students will be permitted to take their cell phones back within the last 5 minutes of each class.
  • If a student does not have their phone at the start of the block, they can choose:
    • To retrieve it and hand it in
    • To stay inside the classroom for the entire block
  • If a teacher sees a student with a phone during their class time:
    • the student will hand in the phone for the remainder of the block
    • if this occurs more than once, the teacher may choose to hand the phone into the office for the remainder of the day.
  • If a staff member sees a student in a shared space, bathroom, or hallways with a phone during instructional time, and the student has not been given permission by a teacher to use the phone for educational purposes:
    • the student must hand the phone into the staff member.
    • The phone will be kept in the office until the end of the day
    • If this is a repeated occurrence a meeting will be required with the student and a caregiver or parent